Postponement of Publication of the Annual Financial Statements 2009 and the General Meeting
SCHMOLZ+BICKENBACH AG is currently restructuring its existing long-term credit financing. The respective measures are being coordinated with all relevant financing partners of SCHMOLZ+BICKENBACH AG. The capital structure will thus be placed on a healthy long-term basis, which will be supported by the markedly increasing order bookings and sales volumes since January 2010.
The corresponding discussions are now taking place, and are expected to be completed in mid-April. For this reason, and to allow this work to be successfully completed, we are postponing publication of the annual financial statements for 2009, as well as the media and analysts’ conference planned for the same day, from March 25, 2010, to April 29, 2010. The General Meeting of our company that was planned for April 23, 2010, will therefore also be postponed, to June 24, 2010. The corresponding invitations will be sent out sufficiently in advance.
Contact persons for further information are:
Benedikt Niemeyer, CEO, phone +41 41 209 50 40
Dr. Marcel Imhof, COO, phone +41 41 209 51 81
Investor Relations
Axel Euchner, CFO, phone +41 41 209 50 35
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