Latest financial result

For the right appreciation of the Swiss Steel Holding AG share, this page provides all documents of latest financial results.


Swiss Steel GroupUnitH1 2023H1 2022Δ in %
Order backlogkilotons386590– 34.6
Sales volumekilotons756937– 19.3
Revenuemillion EUR1,857.32,144.6– 13.4
Average sales priceEUR/t2,4602,2907.4
Adjusted EBITDAmillion EUR70.0171.0– 59.1
EBITDAmillion EUR58.5157.1– 62.8
Adjusted EBITDA margin%3.88.0
EBITDA margin%3.17.3
EBITmillion EUR17.0113.2– 85.0
Earnings before taxesmillion EUR– 23.089.5-
Group resultmillion EUR– 30.074.0-
Investmentsmillion EUR44.942.36.1
Free cash flowmillion EUR– 62.7– 174.164.0
 Unit30.6.202331.12.2022Δ in %
Net debtmillion EUR942.0848.211.1
Shareholders’ equitymillion EUR498.7530.9-6.1
Net debt/adj. EBITDA LTM (leverage)x8.13.9
Balance sheet totalmillion EUR2,418.02,386.01.3
Equity ratio%20.622.2
Employees as of closing dateAnzahl9,6399,857– 2.2
Capital employedMio. EUR1,675.01,646.81.7
 UnitH1 2023H1 2022Δ in %
Earnings/share 1)EUR/CHF– 0.01/-0.010.02/0.02
Shareholders’ equity/share 2)EUR/CHF0.16/0.160.17/0.17
Share price high/lowCHF0.230/0.1230.348/0.210

1) Earnings per share are based on the result of the Group after deducting the portions attributable to non-controlling interests

2) As of June 30, 2023 and as of December 31, 2022


Burkhard Wagner
Vice President Corporate Finance & Investor Relations
Phone: +41 (0) 41 581 4180

Disclosure of shareholdings:
